Young Programme

Young IReland Programme 2024


Ayr, Scotland

Closing date for registration: Friday 15 December 2023

Please enrol our organisation in the above event. We understand that:

  • our delegate/s will take part in the course at Western House Hotel, Ayr, Scotland, from 30 January - 2 February 2024, checking-out of the hotel on the morning of Friday 2 February.
  • name/s of our delegate/s must be supplied no later than Friday 15 December 2023.
  • our delegate/s will receive an information pack including guidance, travel information, and advice on preparing the Argument paper by e-mail on Friday 15 December 2023.

Fee per delegate (inclusive of accommodation and meals): €1700

Registration Form

When you submit this form you should see a message saying "your form was successfully submitted". If you have any problems using this form please contact 01292 478510 or email Alternatively, type your order details into an email and send to



Cancellation Policy
If a delegate is unable to attend a course, you may substitute, by prior arrangement and after notifying us, someone else from your organisation. If a delegate is unable to attend, and you are not in a position to substitute the place to another person, then the following charges apply: More than six weeks before the course: no charge; Six to four weeks before the course: 20% of the fee; Four to two weeks before the course: 50% of the fee; Less than 14 days before the course: 100% of the fee

© Copyright 2023 Young Programme